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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Spring Term 2024

Discovering Networks

Our first project for the spring term is 'Along the Silk Road'. Within this project, we have interpreted maps and information to explore global trade and find out about the influence of the Silk Road. Our map skills have enabled us to study the route of the Silk Road, identifying continents, countries and cities along the way.


Stories from the Silk Road have complemented and extended our knowledge of economic activity on the trade route. We have used the introduction of the book as our non-fiction focus in reading lessons and the fictional stories have been a great stimulus for our writing. We have produced some fantastic diary entries from characters' points of view. 



In maths, we have been using the language of ratio along with concrete and pictorial methods to describe the relationship between two sets of objects. 

'What Would Jesus Do?' is the big question we have been thinking about in RE this half-term. 

We have considered Jesus's actions in Gospel texts - Peter's Betrayal and Restoration and The Cleansing of the Temple and made connections with how Christians live their lives. 

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Love your neighbour as yourself.'


With our SMSC focus being equality and our PE unit being net and wall games, what a fantastic opportunity to play sitting volleyball (a form of volleyball played by athletes with a disability) and embrace diversity! Don't be fooled by the name, sitting volleyball was far from stationary...

Sean Gaffney visited us to encourage our sporting belief.