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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Summer 1

Week 1

This week we started our new book, Handa’s Surprise.  We spoke about the front cover and made some predictions before reading the story.  In provision, we enjoyed making stick puppets and reading the book to each other.  

"I love the book because there’s a monkey in it and I love monkeys." MN

"I like the part when the animals steal the fruit because it's funny!"  RW

In RE, we have been learning about the Islamic celebration of Eid.  We made pictures and decorated cards to give to our friends who were celebrating. 

We have also started our new computing unit and we are learning to programme robots.  This week we learnt our directions, left, right, forward and backwards and even got to dance to the Cha Cha Slide! We are looking forward to programming the robots next week. 


Week 2 

As part of Science and DT, we have been learning about different fruits and vegetables.  We sorted them into groups before thinking about which ones we like and which ones we would like to try.  We then designed a fruit kebab, using some of the fruits we sorted as  discussing which fruits we already enjoy and others we might like to try.   In DT, we designed some healthy fruit snacks which we will be making next week!

This week in computing we began to use Bee-Bots.  Using our programming skills to make them travel in different directions was very exciting!

In Science, we went for a seasonal stroll.  We walked around our school grounds looking for signs of spring.  We noticed that some different plants are beginning to grow and the trees are beginning to bud.  We spoke about the weather and began to think about how the plants may change as we move into the summer months.  

Week 3

We had lots of fun this week making fruit kebabs and smoothies using some of the fruits from Handa’s basket.  We used our designs and practised our preparation skills by peeling, chopping and slicing different fruits.

Later in the week we began to write our recipes.  We wrote a list of ingredients, a list of equipment and a method.   We used time conjunctions to order the instructions in our method. 

In computing, we enjoyed using maps to programme BeeBots to move forwards and backwards between two places. 

We also enjoyed taking part in some orienteering activities this week as part of PE.  Going on scavenger hunt brought us lots of joy!