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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Finding your way

Our summer term is underway!

This is a very special time for Year 6 as the realisation of this being their final year at primary school starts to set in. We are super keen to start our new class reader, 'The Final Year', which is perfectly pertinent and highly recommended. 

"It's that good I read 50 pages in the blink of an eye!" - Mr. Tetley


The first week back has been packed with revision as we are working hard to prepare for SATs. We are also very much looking forward to activities week later in the summer term; it's keeping us motivated!





In June we have our activities week, there will be so many new any interesting activities on the horizon.


Our PE unit for this half-term is athletics. Getting us ready for our upcoming Sports Day.


In RE, we have spent time reflecting on Easter and thinking about differing views and opinions on the resurrection. We have considered how belief in the resurrection makes a difference to how people respond to challenges and problems in the world today, such as inequality, poverty and illness. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You not only died on the cross for our sins, but You rose again from the dead so that we could have a victorious, overcoming, Christian life here on earth as it is in heaven. Father, let everyone walk in the power of that resurrection truth. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.