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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Spring Term 2024

We started off reading:

The Magical snow Garden

Lost and Found .

H found out about the North Pole and the South Pole. We learnt about the differences and the animals that live in each place. Penguins only live in the South Pole! Polar bears live in the North Pole!  After this, we were interested by the sea and oceans, so we read Meet the Oceans, where we learnt the names of some of the Oceans and read the names of animals that live in the sea. We really enjoyed looking at the globe during this topic and finding countries that we have been on holiday to and other countries we were interested in. 

On values day, we read some poems about love, courage and joy. We enjoyed our weaving task and lots of us showed courage and perseverance when making these as they were a little tricky to get the hang of! We talked about what things make us feel love, courage and joy. 

"When I play with Roman."  Elias

"When I set up my game and Daddy comes to play with me." Archie G 

We really enjoyed Numbers day. We focused on measures and looked at measuring length and height.  We compared the heights/lengths of different objects in the classroom and ordered from shortest to longest/tallest.  Then we had a competition to see who could throw the beanbag the furthest, to compare distance - Miss Shaw was the winner!  We decided that cubes would be a good way to measure objects and estimated first how many cubes long/tall they would be before measuring.

After half term we had a visit from a girl called Claire! She had hurt her knee and she said a dragon had picked her up on the way home and tried to take her away.  We then read the story 'On the way home', and talked about the setting of this story. We realised it was a village or a town, just like Idle, the village where we live!

Then we read 'Martha maps it out'. We spent all week making maps of our bedrooms, houses, streets and Idle, including all our favourite places on our maps! We used google maps to go for a walk through Idle. Mrs Thornton's Mum - Ann, came in to tell us what Idle used to be like when she was little. We asked her questions about old Idle. We learnt that the post office used to be a toy shop, there was a sweet shop, a green grocers and a bakery. We also learnt there used to be a train in Idle and that Idle CE school wasn't here!  We looked at pictures of old Idle and someone brought in a book about old Idle and shared even more pictures with us! We have been busy building our favourite places inside and outside, in particular Idle coffee lounge, which is also Miss Shaw's favourite place in Idle!

We then read 'Naughty Bus', and 'You can't take an elephant on a bus' which lead us into learning about different types of transport. We looked at and compared old and new trains/cars/bikes/planes and we made a list of all the types of transport we read about in the books.  We had a go at making cars with milk lids and straws. 


In Maths we have been learning numbers 6-10 in depth. We have looked at how to represent, compare and compose numbers. We have had a big focus on practising 1 more and 1 less than numbers up to 10 and enjoyed playing 1 more/less bingo. We learnt number bonds to 10, representing this with numicon and will continue to practice this regularly. We also learnt doubles to 5, which we enjoyed! 

We enjoyed World Book Day and had lots of opportunities for reading. Susan came to visit us from the library and read us a story - 'The squirrels who squabbled.' We read books in class, visited the spoon character exhibition and enjoyed the assembly from Mrs Murphy. 

We started and ended the term with visits to Church. We had a trip at the beginning to get to know our church. Reverend Leah showed us around the different rooms, told us the story of Jesus in the storm and taught us a worship song and dance. We also got to colour the stained glass window picture. In R.E we learnt about the Easter story from Shrove Tuesday, all the way through to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.  We learnt lots of songs about Easter to perform when we went back for the Easter service at the end of term. 

We finished the term with a visit to the library.  Susan did a story session with us and read us 2 books, before Linda let us look around the library, read books and choose some books to take home with us. Don't forget that in the summer holidays, you can take part in the Reading Challenge, where if you read 6 or more books, you can earn a certificate for super reading! The library is at: Wright Watson Enterprise Centre 66 Thorpe, Thorp Garth, Bradford BD10 9QL.