Welcome to 1CB
We are a class of 30 children.
Our teacher is called Miss Booth.
Mrs Winterburn also works in our class supporting individual children.
Mrs Winterburn also works in our class supporting individual children.
Our Values: Love, Joy and Courage
In Year 1 we have been thinking about how we can show love, joy and courage.
“I show love when I give my mum a hug.”
“I give my mum a cuddle and a kiss at night to show love before I go to sleep.”
“Joy… I enjoy being in the car.”
“We share things to help people feel joy and show love.”
“I show lots of courage at football training.”
“I don’t give up because I have courage.”
Year 1 Key Information:
Compulsory homework includes reading. Please hear your child read daily. Record this in their reading journal and sign it. Your child needs to read at least 4 times before their book is changed. Reading books will be changed every Friday.
Spellings are sent home every Friday, which are all linked to the sounds learnt that week in phonics.
A homework menu will be sent home each half-term with different curriculum activities.
In Year 1, our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Children can come to school in their PE kit which should include:
- Plain white or school logo T-shirt
- Plain black / navy shorts
- Plain black / navy blue tracksuits
- Hair ties for children with long hair
- Pumps for games and wet days (Stored in a named, school issue PE bag)