Holy Trinity Parish Church and the Diocese of Leeds
We are proud of our links with Holy Trinity Church.
Revd. Jim regularly joins us at school to share Daily Worship with staff and pupils and our visits to the Church for our Harvest Festival, Christingle and Easter Services are a very large part of the very Christian ethos of our school.
DIOCESE OF LEEDS - Schools and parishes working together
The opportunity for schools and parishes to work together offers an enrichment of relationship and hospitality for community, church and school.
We seek to deliver ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10) within the life of the local worshipping community, and when coupled with the encounter of the school with families, the local church provides opportunity for each to nurture the other.
‘We not only admit children, we admit families’.
It is essential that community, church and school regard themselves as interlinked and supportive of each other. Each offers a specialist insight which will inform the others and enhance the life experiences of pupils and adults alike.