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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

In Summer term 1 we -

In Maths we are learning about Measurements, Capacity and Volume. In English we are continuing to practice our handwriting everyday and we are reading and writing about The Wild Robot. In Project we are learning about Forces and In RE we are learning about the story of Noah.


Henry - I showed love by sharing with my classmates. 

Abi - We all showed love by doing our work with a passionate attitude.

Layla - I Love when we do project! Geography is my favourite. 

Thea - We showed courage when we did our Nell Bank parents assembly

Poppy - We showed courage when we go on our school trips.

Archie - I showed courage when I performed in the Idle Showcase. 

Max - I love Maths.

Ngairi - I experienced joy when I was learning about forces in Science. 

Harrison - I experience joy when other Teachers teach us. 

Xander - I experience joy when we play rounders.

Finn - I experience joy when we do Class Reading. 

Harry - I experience joy when I come to school.

Louie - I experience joy when I play with my friends. 


Summer Term 2: 

In Maths we are learning about time and days, weeks and years.

In English we are learning how to write a fantasy narrative. 

In Reading we are continuing to challenge ourselves by searching through texts and finding answers. 

In Geography we are learning about the River Aire.


Abi - I have enjoyed English because I love practising my handwriting. 

Svelini - I love maths because I love figuring out volume and capacity. 

Thea - I have enjoyed doing our reading tests because its nice and challenging. 

Ngairi - I enjoyed reading The Wild Robot.

Louie - I liked Maths because even though it's challenging I kept pushing through. 

Harper - I enjoyed reading and answering the questions. 

Poppy - I enjoyed the reading test because it showed me new things. 

Freya - I enjoyed practising my handwriting. 

Archie - I enjoyed Maths because I find I learn the new ideas well. 

Autumn - I enjoyed reading because its fun. 

Brody - I enjoy being in 3E because I like being with my friends.