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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Summer 2 

Week 7-

Week 6 -

french day and Olympics 

Week 5- 

This week was very exciting as we had a sports day, transition day and the year 4 extravaganza assembly!

Sports day

Cohen - I enjoyed the egg and spoon race!

Josiah - I liked doing the javelin 

Zoe - My favorite was the relay race as we all had a go at running!

Transition day

Amber - I enjoyed being in my new classroom!

Phoebe - I liked sitting next to Imogen and doing the poems!

Bezaleel - We enjoyed playing on our new playground !

In the year 4 celebration we sang some of our favourite songs, got our MTC certificates. Our favourite song to sing was I belong and our parents loved being involved !


Week 4 - 


Week 3 -

Simon the Viking visited year 4 this week and we love having the opportunity to ask him lots of questions and see the artefacts that he had brought. 

Week 2 - 

This week we have been planning our Dragon non-chronological reports and have been doing lots of reading of our new class novel 'how to train your dragon'. 

How to Train Your Dragon Book Review

Week 1 - 

We have come back from the holidays ready to go and full of energy! Our favourite parts of this week have been working on sculpture. We have used materials like wire and soap. We found it difficult but the soap carving very satisfying!

Cohen - I enjoyed carving the soap because it was fun!

Eloise and Phoebe - The soap carving was relaxing and now our classroom smells very nice!


We have also been practising our timestables as some of us have begun to do our multiplication checks. 

In our class worship we enjoyed looking at the Olympics and what we could learn from them. Skills like perseverance and determination. Miss Hudson also told us about an inspirational man called Rob Burrows and how he overcame many challenges in his own life. 

"In a world full of adversity we must still dare to dream"

Summer 1 

Daisy - We showed courage when doing the Idle Showcase! 

Artemis - When we did the Idle Showcase we showed love to each other and were encouraging! 

Jacob - Courage was shown when we visited Iqra Academy as it was a new place and we had to make new friends.

Joe - When we made our rain dials that brought me joy!

Luca - What brought me joy was singing with Mrs Artist!

Amber - When we made the marigolds we wanted to show our best work and love for learning as they have been put in the entrance of our school. 

Week 7 - 

What a last week of this half term we have had! We have been drawing some flowers in art, looking at cross-hatching and stippling shading techniques. It was also the Idle showcase where some members of our class performed and showed off their talents. We are so proud of them ! 

Week 6-

This week has been another fantastic week of learning and fun ! We have had a whole science day looking at different melting points of a range of solids. Our favourite was the jelly, as when it turned into a liquid it became slimy! We also had to hide an ice pop in the best place where it would not melt! We then enjoyed eating our lollies as a Friday treat !


Week 5 -

What a week we have had in 4H!

We started the week with our visit to Iqra academy where we were able to see our new friends again ! We enjoyed seeing all of the animals and playing outside.

We have also been learning about money! Miss Stevens even showed parrots table some real money. Our funky music friday for this week had to be  'money money money' by Abba.


Week 4 -

We have had a very exciting week in 4H! We welcomed our new friends from Iqra academy to our school. We had a great day playing games and learning lots about them and their school. We are so excited about visiting them at Iqra next week ! We have also been working on and publishing our writing all about water! We have done an amazing job and are so proud of ourselves. 

Week 3 -

We have been working on our 8 and 3 times tables this week and have enjoyed many games of hit the button! We have also been doing lots of work on 'how water moves around the globe', so this has involved looking at world rivers and mountains! We even went outside and observed some clouds!

We also are the proud recipients of the cleanest classroom award! 


Week 2 -

This week we started out work on the water cycle in geography. We also made mobiles with all the words we can use to describe water! This is going to help us with our writing based off of the 'Rhythm of the Rain'. 

Week 1 -

This first week back has been very exciting in 4H!!!

We have started out new class novel which is 'The Last Bear' and been learning all about the Anglo-Saxons in project. We have been working on our 3 and 12 times tables as well as our new topic in Maths which is decimals.