Summer Term 2024
Welcome to Summer Term in Year 5!
Week 1
We started our first week back after the Easter break with a science focus to our project lessons.
Children in 5M had great fun trying to establish which forces are acting on a balloon as it falls through the air and a parachute as it is lifted up and down.
Pupils spent time investigating the purpose of Newton Meters, how they work and then measured the forces acting against different objects around the classroom.
Week 2
Our over-arching project title for this term is Great Thinkers.
We started our new class novel – Who Let The Gods Out by Maz Evans, which fits in nicely with our Ancient Greeks project later in the term.
Children in 5M have been producing videos using iPads. They spent time practising filming techniques including close ups, mid range and long shots before recording an explanation of how something works.
Week 3
We put our geography skills to the test this week, learning about longitude and latitude before playing a co-ordinates game to locate countries across the world.
Then we found the country we are studying - Greece. We were able to describe where it is located in the world using geographical terms.
"Greece is located on the continent of Europe, in the northern hemisphere."
"It is made up of a mainland and lots of small islands."
"Greece is bordered by Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Turkey."
Week 4
We started the week with a lovely visit from Hand To Mouth, who told us the story of Moses receiving the 10 Commandments from God on Mount Sinai.
Alison from Hand To Mouth then invited us to reflect on the story in our own way. We created a snakes and ladders game to get Moses to the top of the mountain, created puppet shows and drew pictures.