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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Finding your way

Our summer term is underway!

This is a very special time for Year 6 as the realisation of this being their final year at primary school starts to set in. We are super keen to start our new class reader, 'The Final Year', which is perfectly pertinent and highly recommended. 

"Hand on heart, this is the best book I have ever read. I love it" - Miss James.


The first week back has been packed with revision as we are working hard to prepare for SATs. We are also very much looking forward to activities week later in the summer term; it's keeping us motivated!

"SATs revision is helping us know what we need to work on" - Eden. 



"After SATs we have our activities week when we do fun stuff like water sports, ice skating and even more for a whole week" - Ella. 


Our PE unit for this half-term is athletics. Here are some of our highlights...

"Relay races, bean bag throwing and the long jump were so much fun. Everbody enjoyed it and we are excited to do more. It will help us all get ready for sports day" - Harvey. 


In RE, we have spent time reflecting on Easter and thinking about differing views and opinions on the resurrection. We have considered how belief in the resurrection makes a difference to how people respond to challenges and problems in the world today, such as inequality, poverty and illness. 

Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You not only died on the cross for our sins, but You rose again from the dead so that we could have a victorious, overcoming, Christian life here on earth as it is in heaven. Father, let everyone walk in the power of that resurrection truth. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


We have been consolidating our knowledge of 3D shapes using nets - maths is lots of fun!

"I found a question hard but making the net gave me courage to find the answer" - Theo.

"I am impressed with Theo: he made the net of a cube and managed to solve the question" - Daniel.


Reading brings us so much joy! Here are some book recommendations from our superstar readers:

"I recommend Alex Rider: Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. It's about a teenager who's asked to be a spy by MI6, a secret agency, and he goes on a mission to investigate Herod Sayle, who turns out to be unleashing a fatal disease on the UK. I like this book because it's really thrilling and exciting" - Reuben. 



"Letters From The Lighthouse by Emma Carrol is an amazing historical fiction book. It is about a family in the war who move from London to devon to escape war" - Emily. 





West Yorkshire Police paid us a visit in Year 6 and delivered a talk about anti-social behaviour. It was a great opportunity to learn more about staying safe and a reminder to be law-abiding and respectful in the community. Thank you to PCSO Dan and PCSO Ash. 





In art lessons, we have been focusing on Pointillism (a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of colour are applied in patterns to form an image). Some of our class decided to work collaboratively to create larger images. It is very time-consuming, but the final results will be worth it. 



After a week of mock SATs, Miss James thought 6J deserved a bit of time to unwind and have fun. What better way than Just Dance?






"Everybody by Backstreet Boys is my favourite" - Lyla.

"I love all of the Shakira ones especially Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) the theme tune from the 2010 FIFA World Cup" - Matilda.