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"Jesus came to give fullness of life" John 10:10

Summer Term 2024

Another half-term already done? WhAt!? Time has really flown by! Here’s a little look at some of our favourite memories this term so far, including the things we’ve really enjoyed learning about.



For English, we wrote a character description about our own mythical creature, inspired by ancient Greek myths.

“It was fun drawing our own mythical creatures. Mine was inspired by the Minotaur and an octopus and I named it Aquator! It has a gem on its head that controls day and night. It had a muscular body.” – Noah, 5H

Portrait of a mythical creature inspired by ancient Greek mythology, by Louis



We each created a Lotus flower, linking with our previous study of Ancient Egypt as the lotus was a sacred and symbolic flower to ancient Egyptians. We used chalk pastels to design them, using hatching, cross hatching, stippling and scumbling.

“It was fun and creative because we got to use pastels.” – Kaitlyn, 5H

“I found it stressful because it was quite hard to do the techniques but I still managed to do it. It looks better than I thought it would. I feel really good about it now!” Leo, 5H


Amber practising her different sketching techniques

An example of the different techniques we explored

Our Lotus flowers, on display in the Link



In PE, we were practising netball in preparation for the netball tournament. We had to practise various types of passes and practise different positions. Team-work was a skill we really developed.

“The tournament was quite difficult because a lot of our opponents were much taller than us! But we enjoyed it at the same time. I feel proud of the fact we came fourth out of 9 schools!” – Eliza, 5H

5H training for the Netball Tournament



For our Hand to Mouth session this term, 5H explored the 10 commandments. We talked about what each commandment is and means. We also shared our opinions about which commandment we think is the most or least important, and why.

A whole-class circle for our session of Hand to Mouth



Our study of Greece this term has been very interesting. We practised using atlases to find Greece and learn more about its position on a world map. We explored the landscape of Greece and got to write our own 48 hour Greek Getaway itinerary.

“I find it fascinating how so many parts of Greece are so colourful – especially compared to the UK!” Leo, 5H

Practising using an atlas