Our learning in Maths in the Autumn Term focuses on Number Sense within 10. This includes:
- Sorting and grouping objects
- Comparing numbers within 10 using 'fewer than', 'less than', 'more than', 'greater than' and 'equal to'
- Counting forwards and backwards within 10
- Using a number line from 0-10 to plot numbers and to recognise where a number would be on the number line
- Exploring part-whole models
- Deepening understanding of number bonds to 10
What 1T pupils say about Maths:
"I like doing counting." - Jodie
"I loved making a number line on the floor outside." - Ismay
"I like it when we use the ten frames." - Arthur
"My favourite's number bonds to 10 like 5 and 5." - Riley