School Council

The School Council consists of elected KS2 pupils and meets twice each half term to discuss topical events.  

Each September pupils have the opportunity to volunteer to be a School Council representative for their class for the school year ahead. They present themselves as a candidate to their classmates who then vote for two members of their class.

If opinions of the pupils are required throughout the school year, School Council members are given the opportunity to gather views, usually by questionnaire and always within a structure overseen by their class teacher. The School Council will then meet to discuss the issue and collate the results. This is often with a school governor present. The results of the meeting are then presented in a summarised format including any actions to class teachers and school governors. The School Council members feedback to their individual classes after each meeting.   

Examples of School Council questionnaires completed regularly over recent years (pre-Covid pandemic) are:  


Say No to Bullying,  

Online Safety - Internet Usage,  

Survey discussing; What do you think about your school?  

School Council Survey on Prayer.