The School Day

8:45am Doors open
8.55 – 9.05am

Doors closed; registration

Any child arriving after this time should be taken to the school office for the parent to register them.

9:05 - 9:30am Celebration Worship (Friday's only) 
10.10- 10.30 am  Collective Worship 
10.40 - 10:55am Breaktime KS1
11 - 11:15am Breaktime KS2 (using both playgrounds)
11.45 -12:45pm Lunchtime Reception
12 - 1pm Lunchtime KS1
12:15 - 1:15pm

Lunchtime KS2

2:15 -2 :30pm Afternoon breaktime – KS1
3.25pm End of school day - Reception
3:30pm End of school day Y1-6
We provide a school day of 32.5 hours per week.