3M Autumn Term

We had our Year 3 class assembly where we were all really brave and worked really hard. Mrs Mason was so impressed she gave an extra play time!

We went on a school trip to Bradford Industrial Museum. We learnt all about the steam engine and its importance in making Bradford the wool capital. We learnt about how woool was manufactured. We had lots of fun playing Victorian games too.

We have found the Geography and English topic of the water cycle really interesting. 

Lola, 'I have really enjoyed learning about the water cycle because it amazed me how water travels round.'

We worked really hard to get 10 beads and achieve our first class bead treat. We voted and chose to watch a film and bring in blankets and teddies from home. Mrs Metcalf’s tuck shop was particularly popular!



we have been learning about festivals including Diwali and Hanukah. We have talked about the important stories behind these and discussed why people celebrate them. In addition to this we had lots of fun making things and playing games that are traditionally part of these. 

Jake 'I have loved it all. I really enjoyed playing with the driedal that is used to celebrate Hanukah.'

Stanley ' I liked learning about Diwali and making lanterns to celebrate the festival of light.'


After completing applications for Santa, we have been transformed into honorary Christmas elves. This is all part of our English immersion to write a diary using the book ‘Diary of a Christmas Elf’ as our focus. We thought of some great adventures we might go on through the use of role play freeze framing.

There are so many more things we have enjoyed but these are just a few of the highlights!

Bestsy, 'We have been planning to write our diary entry about our elves adventures. We brought Christmas things in to role play being elves which was really fun! Everything has been fun!'



We have been making some toys in design technology using pneumatics  (compressed air) to power our moving toys. We came up with some fabulous designs and they worked brilliantly! 


During our last week of Autumn term we have been taking part in DecemBAR where we are using bar models to solves lots of different problem solving questions. They are a great way to help children work out the answers to some really tricky questions! If you want to have a practice at home that would be brilliant!

Switch off fortnight 

We have been taking part in Switch off fortnight. We have made posters to encourage others to save energy. Our Eco warrior Lola announced the winners today 5/12/24. 

Year 3 Golf success!

Well done to our awesome golfers who came 3rd in the tornament. We are so proud of you all!

Christmas jumper and Dinner Day! 2024

Today we came to school in our best Chritmas clothes, don't we look fabulous! Children were greeted by Rudolph reindeer noses!

'It was really exciting when we saw teachers dressed as elves and giving us reindeer noses' Lola.

'It was excditing to see everyone in their Christmas jumpers.' Bestsy

'I loved it!' Jake