

At Idle CE Primary School, it is our intention that our pupils are inspired to be curious and fascinated about the world around them. Pupils will develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it, as they progress through school. Our curriculum provides pupils with teaching about diverse places, people and recourses through a focus on human and physical aspects of geography, giving children a sense of awe and wonder about the world they live in and creating learners who have a life-love of the subject.

Geography at Idle does not stand alone. Through a carefully planned curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to make links across subjects using their geographical knowledge and skills: helping to further develop their understanding of the world they live and how it has come to be as it is.


Geography at Idle CE Primary School is taught in a way that allows our pupils to gain a sense of belonging in their locality, their county, their country, their continent and the wider world.

Using the concept of a camera zoom, our pupils in Key Stage 1 begin their journey in Geography in the locality of Idle and Bradford and zoom out into the wider world with the following units of work, supporting our pupils in gaining a solid foundational knowledge that they build upon when they move into Key Stage 2.

Our Geography curriculum at Idle CE Primary School focuses around three key concepts:

·       Human Geography

·       Physical Geography

·       A Geographical Fieldwork Study

Every year group at Idle CE Primary School carries out a study related to our local area, that links their geographical knowledge and knowledge of other areas of the curriculum, helping our pupils to build a sense of belonging in the world around them.

Following the aims of the national curriculum, pupils are exposed to and use directional language, compasses, maps, atlases and globes, aerial photographs and digital mapping systems to identify, locate and describe features of places and areas.

During their time at Idle CE Primary School, pupils build powerful knowledge in the following domains. This is evidenced through our Geographical progression:

·       Locational knowledge

·       Place knowledge

·       Knowledge of human geography

·       Knowledge of Physical geography

·       Knowledge of Geographical Skills

·       Knowledge of Fieldwork Skills

Throughout their time at Idle CE Primary School, pupils will experience visits and visitors that enhances our Geography curriculum. This provides our pupils with first-hand experiences and supports and develop their learning. Every year group at Idle will conduct a visit that allows them to use their geographical and fieldwork skills in a locality, starting with our school grounds and zooming out into the wider locality.


Through the Geography curriculum at Idle Primary School, we develop pupils who:

·       Are curious about the world around them

·       Are fascinated by the world and what it offers

·       Understand their place in the world and can demonstrate this through the use of the geographical skills and knowledge acquired

·       Know and identify key locations around the planet

·       Know about the weather and climate and how this effected by location

·       Are responsible citizens who consider issues that affect the environment around us

·       Respect cultures and traditions around the world

·       Are able to speak with confidence about locations, what they are like and what the impact of and on people in these locations