2I Autumn Term

Autumn 1

Maths - Place Value

In our maths this half term we have been exploring place value. We have used lots of different resources to represent tens and ones of a number, including base 10 on a place value chart. 

There has been many practical opportunities for hands on learning to understand the value of '10'.

Art - Drawing
In our art, we were developing our drawing skills across the half term to create our own story. 

We started by exploring different art techniques including charcoal and chalk. We practiced and observed how our pressure and technique can change the textural effect and create different lines. 

We then praticed our observational drawing and used the techniques from previous lessons to add texture, depth and shape. 

History - Florence Nightingale

Our history project this term is all about the life of Florence Nightingale. Our project started with an amazing immersive experience from Thackray Medical Museum who visited us and introduced us to Florence. 

The immersive experience was filled with understanding what her life looked like and the timeline of her life. We were able to smell what it would have been like for her during her time in Scutari Hospital and also the conditions she had to care for people in. We then undertook the mission to reenact her job, and provide care to the hospital and wounded soldiers. 


At the end of Autumn 1, we went to church to celebrate harvest and give food to the food bank to support those in need. 

This visit also complimented our RE teaching this half term which was 'What makes some places sacred to believers?'. We explored the church and its features and discussed why these were in a church.

End of half term treat

Year 2 have worked so hard and settled in so well. We have earned a ten bead treat. The children chose to watch a film with popcorn. They asked to bring in a blanket and a favourite teddy. 

Autumn 2

Maths - Addition and subtraction

We have developed our place value knowledge and used this to start to add and subtract 2 digit numbers with 1 digit numbers. We used place value charts, base 10 and drew representations to work out our answers.

We were then introduced to the tricker concept of adding 2 digit numbers and those that need to be exchanged to work them out. We used lots of concrete resources to physically change 10 ones for 1 ten and 1 ten for 10 ones

Sea Life Manchester

We visited sea life as part of our learning in science on habitats and how animals survive but also linking to our Geography of naming the 5 oceans of the world. 

We completed a workshop where they were able to understand the names of the layers of the ocean and which different creatures survive in each one. After this, they created their own creatures for a particular part of the ocean and give a description as to why it lives there.

DT - making a moving monster

In our DT we have been exploring levers and pivots to make a moving sea monster linking to our current topic of the ocean. 

Step 1 - understand how pivots work by making them. 

Step 2 - designing our sea creature based on our knowledge of pivots.

Step 3 - creating our sea creatures

Science - materials

In science thsi half term, we have been looking at a veriety of materials and their uses. We conducted an experiment on glass and plastic and tested the transparency of these. We used scienctific words like; transparent, translucent and opaque. 

Here we are doing our scienctific experiments.

Maths - shape

This half term, we have been learning about 2-D and 3-D shapes. We have sorted shapes according to their properties and explored the vertical line of symmetry in shapes. We did this by folding cut out shapes and we also had a go at drawing the whole shape by using vertical lines of symmetry. 

We then looked at 3-D shapes and explored how we might count the faces, edges and vertices. 


We have been very busy preparing for our Nativity. 

'I have enjoyed singing, my favourite song is 'it's time to spread the joy.' Ted.

'I like saying my part, I am a narrator.' Maisie. 

'I enjoyed walking down the side of the hall when the shepherds follow the angels.' Rayyan. 


We are writing a letter to persuade people to stop using plastic. Thomas

Plastic is bad because its going all over the oceans and its infecting the fish. Teddie

Tiny the turtle got stuck and asked for our help!

Here is Willow with her letter. 

Christmas week. 

This week, we have had so much fun!

I enjoyed posting Christmas cards. Chloe.W

I liked delivering cards to my friends in the hub. Daniel

We had a Christmas jumper day, my jumper was a 'Haaland' one. Archer

We had our winner winner Christmas dinner. Jake

We also had a Christamas party, we ate some chocolate, sweets and crisps. Reggie

We have been busy making our Christmas cards, we did these in the style of Quentin Blake. 

Here we are having all the fun...