Remote Learning

Remote Learning Programme at Idle C of E Primary 


At Idle C of E Primary School, we use Google Classroom as our preferred Remote Learning Programme. 

This section of our website is designed to support you and your child in accessing Google Classroom.  

If you are experiencing any difficulties, please contact the school office or your child's class teacher. 


In addition to Idle's Remote Learning Programme, you may be interested in accessing the following to support your child's learning:

a. The Department for Education has also pulled together resources for home education. DfE resource list.

b. The government has also released a set of on-line resources for children to access at home.

c. The BBC has also launched its own education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and some of the best teachers – helping to keep children learning and supporting parents.

d. The Oak National Academy. Created by teachers, with government grant funding, it will provide 180 video lessons each week, across a broad range of subjects from maths to art to languages, for every year group from Reception through to Year 6.

f. The Department for Education has also set out how you can support your child whilst working from home, including access to mental health services. DfE Support 



Remote Learning

In the event of a partial or whole school closure, we have implemented Google Classroom as our preferred Remote Learning Programme. This will ensure a consistent approach to learning for all pupils that are not in school. Our Remote Learning Programme will provide pupils at Idle C of E Primary with:

·        regular feedback from your child's class teacher;

·        the opportunity to communicate with your child's class teacher;

·        the opportunity to continue learning a full and balanced school curriculum;

·        the opportunity to upload work, in a variety of different formats, using a laptop or any smart enabled device.

We have a supply of chrome books available for pupils who have limited / no access to digital technologies when working from home. Please contact the school office for more details or if you would like to access these resources.