5M Autumn Term

Autumn Term

Children in 5M have been immersed in the history of Ancient Egypt this term. Our class novel, Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll, was the perfect fit for our curriculum work linked to the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

A discovery from ancient Egypt…

A cursed package…

The story of a young pharaoh…


Our English writing projects have included writing a diary entry as Howard Carter, the day he opened the tomb of Tutankhamun for the first time and instructions on how to mummify a body in Ancient Egyptian times. We also used our class novel, Secrets of a Sun King, to inspire our writing, including a description of what was in the box Lil found in the first chapter of the book.



In history, we looked at where Ancient Egypt is on a timeline and what it had in common with the other ancient civilisations before investigating whether it was actually slaves who built the pyramids. We learned about the importance of the River Nile and what we can learn about the Ancient Egyptians from the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings.


School Trip

We loved our trip to Cliffe Castle, where we had a workshop on how to mummify a body. It was pretty gruesome. We also did some geography, locating the River Nile and finding out why it was an important part of life in Ancient Egyptian times.



This term, we have been learning how to be good leaders. We had playleader training from Sports UK and have begun putting what we have learned into practise with children in KS1. On a rota basis, we take it in turns to provide and run activities for children from Reception to Year 2 every lunchtime.

Many of us have also volunteered to be reading buddies for children in Year 1 classes. Different groups of pupils spend 15 minutes each lunchtime hearing Year 1 children to read, an amazing opportunity for reading practise but also reading for pleasure.


In art this term, we have been creating retrofuturistic pictures through various drawing processes, including collagraph printmaking. Pupils based their ideas on the Teis Albers artwork 'Astronaut Moonwalk'.


In RE this half term, we are trying to answer the question 'Was Jesus the Messiah?' We have found evidence in the Bible and have considered how Mary and Joseph felt when they found out that they were having a very special baby. 

Children in Year 5 also planned and delivered an introduction to Christingle worship to the whole school. They explained the significance of the Christingle, chose the songs, wrote the prayers and explained that we how and why we would be collecting donations for the Christian charity, The Children's Society. Later that week, we made Christingles and took them up to Holy Trinity Church to celebrate a wonderful service.