At Idle CE Primary School, our Science curriculum enables our pupils to understand the world around them, develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and educate them on how to look after themselves and the environment around them. We have designed our curriculum offer in science so that it helps pupils to experience life in all of its fullness by encouraging them to appreciate how their amazing bodies work, discover how things are made and how they work and to be inspired by scientists past and present.
At Idle, our pupils are developed as scientists by:
- Talking and asking questions about the world around them
- Learning to use the language of science
- Working systematically and methodically
- Investigating, enquiring and solving problems
- Taking an investigative approach to enquiry
- Making predictions
- Leading experiments and then analysing their results to reinforce knowledge learnt
- Growing our science capital
- Working independently and collaboratively
Through the delivery of our bespoke curriculum, we develop our scientists at Idle to have open and enquiring minds, to think imaginatively and creatively, to talk like scientists and to be inspired to lead healthy and active lives. We inspire our pupils to realise their potential in science and encourage them to courageously pursue an interest and curiosity in careers in science.