The Parent, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) is a group of parents and wider family members who support the school through putting on events for our children and raise much needed funds to provide opportunities, experiences and resources for our school.
PTFA Meeting Dates
Tuesday 14th January 2025 - 6pm
Tuesday 29th April 2025 - 6pm
Every member of the school community is automatically a member of the PTFA - don't worry this doesn't mean you have to run, help out or attend every school event! It does mean that if you are able to offer help in any way to any event you would be welcomed with open arms!
At the core of the PTFA is a committee. This is made up of the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. As we start a new academic year, we need to re-form the PTFA committee. These are key roles as they liaise with school staff and oversee school events throughout the year. It doesn't mean you have to be involved in every event though!
PTFA's are most effective when small teams are set up to run each event. This means that it doesn't just fall down to a few people, and you can offer to support certain events based on your availability.
Over the past few years, our PTFA have run and contributed to the following events:
Summer Fayre, Christmas Fayre, School Disco, Serving Refreshments
and much, much more
The funds that the PTFA have raised are then given back to the school to provide extra resources and opportunities for our pupils and staff.
Some of the things that the PTFA have provided are:
Brand new cookers for the childrens school kitchen, Leavers Hoodies Year 6, Subsidising the trip to the pantomime, Subsidising Year 6 Activity Week