RB Autumn Term

Autumn 2

There's been lots of learning happening this half-term!  Here are some of the things reception have been busy with...


We began this half-term revisiting and reviewing some initials sounds but quickly moved onto learning new phonemes and graphemes!  We have been working on reading and writing CVC words.


This half-term we have enjoyed reading autumnal stories including Leaf Man and The Leaf Thief.  We enjoyed learning about seasonal changes and telling some seasonal stories of our own.

We enjoyed reading Lost in the Toy Museum and thinking about character and setting.  We made some wonderful toy museums in the construction area and enjoyed adding our own charaters to our creations!


In Maths, we have been learning about numbers to 5.  We have looked at lots of different ways to represent 5 and developed our subitising skills!  

We have also enjoyed learning about 4 sided shapes and loved looking for squares and rectangles in our environment.

Wider Curriculum

As part of their 'Me and my Family' work, pupils in Reception have been talking about their families and beginning to think about different generations.  We have been looking into the past and learning about old toys which our parents and grandparents would've played with.  We loved exploring the old toys!

Remembrance Day

Reception learnt about Remembrance Day and took part in 2 minutes silence.  Pupils also enjoyed learning about Remembrance Day in provision and taking part in some linked activities.

Autumn 1

It has been a busy but exciting start to the new school year for our reception pupils.  It has been wonderful welcoming our new pupils into school and watching fantastic friendships form.  Check out some of our learning in Autumn 1!


We started the term with lots of games and activities to develop our listening skills and help us focus on environmental sounds.  We are currently learning our how to read and write intial sounds.


As we settled into our new classes, we enjoyed reading and discussing lots of different stories.  One of our first stories was Mabel and the Mountain.  We loved learning about Mabels dreams and all the things she did to achieve them.  We discussed our wishes and dreams and thought about how we can achieve success too!

We also read lots of stories by Rachel Bright, including The Squirrels who Squabbled, The Lion Inside and the Gecko and the Echo.  Reading and discussing these stories helped us to think about the importance of love, joy and courage. 


We've enjoyed lots of Maths this half-term. Learning about patterns was lots of fun and we enjoyed creating our own nature patterns in the outdoor area!  We also began our number work and enjoyed exploring numbers 1 2 and 3.  Check out some of our Maths from this half-term!

Wider Curriculum

In Art, we have been learning how to draw self-portraits in the style of Keith Harring.  We practised using different tools such as pens, pencils and crayons. 

Local Walk 

We went on a walk around our local area.  Before our walk, Miss Booth showed us a map and we looked for a route to follow.  We identified paths to follow and roads to cross.  Whilst on our walk, we searched for seasonal changes and listened out for different sounds.  After our walk, we looked at our map again and added special landmarks to maps in provision.